Thursday, April 16, 2020

What is Truth?

Christians around the world, who follow the same God, and read the same bible, are unable to come into agreement when it comes to most biblical interpretation. There are hundreds of different christian denominations, and many leave the christian faith and turn to the hundreds of other options out there. New age, Buddhism, Islam, Scientology, Judaism, and so many others. From christian believes, there have come movements like the Black Hebrew Israelites, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Christian Science, The Way, the Unification Church, and many others.

From Orthodox Christianity has emerged progressive Christianity and conservative Christianity, unitarianism, trinitarianism, pre tribulation rapture, post tribulation rapture, women can't be pastors, women can be pastors, tithing, no tithing, masturbation is ok, masturbation is not ok, theonomy,  gay christians, pro abortion christians, no cursing is ok, cursing is ok, creationism, youg earth theory, evolution, nothing but the believe in Jesus for salvation, faith in Jesus plus baptism for salvation, believe in Jesus plus baptism of children plus works, follow Torah, don'd follow Torah, follow only the moral law, celebrate Jewish ceremonies, etc.  

The list of issues is interminable. The list of interpretations, pastors, teachers, elders, and believers in particular is endless. So then, who is right? Which of them has the Truth. Jesus said in John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Some people affirm that Jesus is the Messiah but not God. Some people say He is the second person of the Trinity. Some people believe the Holy Spirit to be a person and others believe it is an energy or the breath of God.

So what do we do with this? Shall we just go on to try and convince others of our view of the Bible or do we just stick to "our truth" and don't mind the rest because  we are called to love and respect each other? Is truth always truth? Or is it changing with the times? Will truth be truth regardless of what we believe?

The truth is human beings have faulty perspectives. This is an  inevitable psychological phenomenon. Knowledge, social events, biology, and many other factors intervene in the way we perceive and process information coming into our system through our senses. Humans also have a tendency to argue a point and to see evidence that, in his or her mind, supports this point. 

People see and interpret the world like they want to instead of how it really is. So, no wonder why there are so many points of view. I'll share what I believe to be unshakable truth. Jesus is the begotten Son of God the Father, He loved us and died for our sins. We must repent of our old unbelieving ways and accept the Holy Spirit as our life's guide. No turning back. Enjoy the ride! We are all on a journey and the Lord will guide us If we allow Him to do so, and stop our preconceived ideas of what things should or shouldn't be like. Most importantly this journey will look different to each and everyone of us, and that's ok.

If you read the Bible for yourself, without having no prior knowledge or interpretations, what do you believe it would say? Many of us are influenced by other's views and interpretations. Sometimes we event quote sayings and Bible verses that aren't biblical just because we heard them somewhere or from someone else. Experience your relationship with God by yourself with the Bible and let the Holy Spirit guide. Ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you abundantly.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5

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